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Author Title Publication Year
Alexander Baervoets, Natasha Hassiotis Unfolding the critical: Conversation between Natasha Hassiotis and Alexander Baervoets Sarma 2003
Esther Boldt In the Picking Field Corpus 2010
Ramsay Burt Undoing postmodern dance history Sarma 2004
Bojana Cvejic Amperdans: Symptons, strands and potentialities of small-scale work Sarma 2004
Kattrin Deufert, Jeroen Peeters, Thomas Plischke, Myriam Van Imschoot Frankfurter Küche and Sarma Present the Blue and Yellow Notebooks on Collaboration and Method Theatre Topics 2006
Adham Hafez Between languages and realities Sarma 2014
Martin Hargreaves Queer Expression, Context and Performativity: Not Talking and Saying Too Much Sarma 2002
Trajal Harrell Interview with Meg Stuart Movement Research Performance Journal 2008
Bojana Kunst The Economy of Proximity Performance Research 2009
Lars Kwakkenbos The hurdles of broad thinking Sarma 2014
André Lepecki Aspects of contemporary dance: The problem of context BLITZ 1991
André Lepecki Bagnolet selection: Dance in the capital BLITZ 1992
André Lepecki Bimárginario: In the land of imagination BLITZ 1990
André Lepecki Compahnia de dança de Lisboa: Out of step BLITZ 1990
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '91: Up with the French! (Part Three) BLITZ 1991
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '92: Naked magic and bare stages (Part Two) BLITZ 1992
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '92: One and the others (Part Three) BLITZ 1992
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '92: The life raft (Part One) BLITZ 1992
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte ’90: Showdown (Part Two) BLITZ 1990
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte ’90: Showdown (part one) BLITZ 1990

Results 1-20 of 48, page 1 of 3 Reset order