Myriam Van Imschoot


Myriam Van Imschoot started her professional life as a dance critic for the Flemish newspapers Gazet van Antwerpen (1993-1995) and De Morgen (1995-1998). Sarma collects 60 percentage of these writings. Special focus is on the articles that appeared in the weekly arts supplement in De Morgen, called Café des Arts, as they were instances of a new genre in dance journalism in Belgium that combined journalism with essay-writing. These journo-essays portrayed choreographers and dancers, but also approached issues such as nationalism in dance, stillness in ballet, improvisation in the nineties, etc. In 1998 Myriam Van Imschoot left journalism when she accepted a full-time research position at the University of Leuven, with the support of the Fund for Scientific Research.


Myriam Van Imschoot (1969) graduated in Germanic Philology and specialized in Performance Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium. She was the dance critic for Gazet van Antwerpen (1993-1995) and De Morgen (1995-1998). From 1995 she was a staff member of the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Leuven. In 1998 she became a full-time researcher at this university, with the support of the Fund for Scientific Research. Currently she is finishing a ph.d. on improvisation in cultures of spontaneity and the post-war avant-garde. Van Imschoot is the initiator and founder of Sarma. Her work as a lecturer, writer and theoretician has enabled her to travel extensively in Europe and the U.S., which has given her a broad perspective on the business, doing, making and studying of the performing arts.

Results 1-20 of 76, page 1 of 4 Reset order

Author Title Publication Year
Jeroen Peeters 'Met de helderheid neemt de kou toe' Sarma 2012
Bojana Cvejic Amperdans: Symptons, strands and potentialities of small-scale work Sarma 2004
Pieter T'Jonck Amperdans: het programma De Tijd 2003
André Lepecki Aspects of contemporary dance: The problem of context BLITZ 1991
André Lepecki Bagnolet selection: Dance in the capital BLITZ 1992
Adham Hafez Between languages and realities Sarma 2014
André Lepecki Bimárginario: In the land of imagination BLITZ 1990
Jeroen Peeters Como é que quer trabalhar hoje? Obscena 2007
André Lepecki Compahnia de dança de Lisboa: Out of step BLITZ 1990
Scott deLahunta Dance Dramaturgy: speculations and reflections Dance Theatre Journal 2000
Pieter T'Jonck Dansberichten van PARTS en Rosas: Studenten en choreografen tonen werk De Tijd 2005
Lars Kwakkenbos De hordes van een uitgestrekt denken Sarma 2014
Rudi Laermans, Myriam Van Imschoot De sprong van Nijinski Etcetera 1999
Myriam Van Imschoot Denken, Dansen, Construeren Etcetera 1994
Jeroen Peeters Een arm aangezet Financieel-Economische Tijd 2000
Myriam Van Imschoot Een storm aan beelden De Morgen 1995
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '91: Up with the French! (Part Three) BLITZ 1991
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '92: Naked magic and bare stages (Part Two) BLITZ 1992
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '92: One and the others (Part Three) BLITZ 1992
André Lepecki Encontros Acarte '92: The life raft (Part One) BLITZ 1992

Results 1-20 of 76, page 1 of 4 Reset order